Qantas cancelled my connecting flight to NZ when we arrived on Wednesday, but they put me up in a nice hotel (Crowne Plaza) in Coogee. I have two double beds to myself and both an ocean and pool view! They originally said I'd be flying out at 4pm on Wednesday, but that quickly got cancelled too. Others in our group waiting to get to Auckland had their booking updated to a flight on Thursday at varying times of day, but mine was rescheduled for Friday at 4pm. Then this morning all flights for Thursday were cancelled, most people having been rebooked for Friday. So today I spent a lovely day walking to Bondi Beach and back with another delayed passenger, Janine. Upon our return from chips and killer seagulls we found that all flights for Friday have been cancelled, and Janine has been updated with a flight for Monday!! Qantas will only pay for one more night's accomodation and they said "Well, after tomorrow your insurance company will pay for your accomodation." Yes, but only if you have the spare funds to pay for the room yourself first! My flight hadn't even updated yet and was still showing as 4pm Friday, despite the canellation. So I called them and pleaded my case and the lady said she could squeeze me on a flight on Saturday at 12:10pm, so hopefully I'll be on a flight before my free accomodation here runs out (which it does at 2pm on Saturday). Ash cloud willing.
22/6/2011 11:58:55 pm

I seem to remember when we were stuck in Tokyo courtesy of the last ash cloud that although they said they would only pay for three nights that actually they have to put you up until your flight is rescheduled. However this was EU law and so may not apply to Quantas, although we were booked through Quantas but flight was BA, god knows, its a minefield!
Use your charm and pearly whites & I'm sure you'll be fine :o) Meanwhile enjoy beautiful Sydney, best of luck with all xxxx


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