A few days ago I went with my host Candice up to Whangarei to see a Maori healer. We picked up Candice's friend, Janice on the way. She suffers from cancer and Candice was hoping the healer could do something to help her. It was a long 6 or 7 hour drive to get there, but we took a fair few stops to make it easier on Candice, as she's not used to driving for such long periods of time.
We arrived at his house and it was suggested that I would perhaps have to sit in the car whilst the healing itself was done, but we'd play it by ear. From the outside his house seemed quite normal, I don't know what I was expecting, but I prepared myself for him being equally unassuming. I was introduced to him with a strong warm handshake and a big smile, his name is Kingitanga and I felt very much at home. At first I didn't think too much to look at him. He was about 5'8" and in his 60's with one or two teeth missing, he laughed like a mad man and stamped his feet on the floor when he got excited.
He started by explaining to us his lineage. He had photos and family trees and other such documents showing how he was a direct line descendent of the first Maori King's daughter. Then Janice starting telling him all about he life and how she had come to be where she was now. Amongst other things, she said she had high blood pressure that she could feel in her chest, cold hands and feet almost all the time, and had lost a lot of weight recently due to not being able to eat properly.
As I watched Kingitanga while she was talking, I kept noticing that sometime he looked like the man I'd been introduced to, and other times he had this, well, the only way to describe it is to say he had this different face on. It was still him, but there was a dignity and strength to it that simply wasn't there before. A certain something in his eyes as they looked at Janine. After Janice had told us her story, he explained that he had been scanning her body while she was talking, and that the spirit of her daughter, who had died sometime before, had not moved on and was in her body, causing her to become ill. He said that her own spirit was unable to keep her body healthy because of her daughter's presence. He got her to stand and held her hands, and he looked at her with this same different face I had noticed before. He spoke very forcefully but not aggressively to her daughter's spirit and told her to go. He also said he was opening her heart so that she wouldn't have high blood pressure anymore, and he removed the cancer's spiritual attachment to her body. Very soon, he said, her tumor would be gone, completely. Now that her spirit was back in her body instead of her daughter's, and the link to the tumor had been broken, her body would heal itself, no problem.
I told him of my intention to walk the length of New Zealand, or Ao Tearoa as is its Maori name. He said I may come across areas of power that might attach themselves to me, and asked me to stand also. He held my hands and blessed me, filled me full of the golden light. He said that if I feel I'm under threat at any time in the bush, I can say his name and his four feathers will hear me and come to make sure the energies there know I'm a friend.
Before he did the blessing on me, I was really quite tired. We'd gotten up before 5am and had driven 6-7 hours, then spent another 5 hours at his home. My head and eyes were rolling and I had to stop myself falling asleep! After the blessing, I was wide awake and stayed awake all the way back to Janice's house, where we stayed overnight. Janice herself lost her cold hands and feet, they were now warm. She didn't feel her heart in her chest as she had when she'd said about her high blood pressure, and she ate a huge amount. She has an appointment with the doctor at some point next week. Here's hoping her tumor has gotten smaller or gone!
All in all, it was a really special experience. Thank you Kingitanga!
Donna cornford
30/10/2011 03:20:05 pm

i have known kingitanga for many years and it was lovely to hear some body else had met him and mesmerised by this incredible spiritual healer.there is no body like kingitanga,and he is not to be confused with maori healers,he is kingitanga spiritual lore.i hope you are having an incredible journey ,and pass on to people that need kingitangas help his number 0276353583.i have seen so many miracals .safe journey,you were blessed to meet him

Geneen Priest
30/10/2011 04:19:52 pm

I was first introduced to Kingitanga by my sister Donna in October 2010. I felt so at ease when i met him he has such an incredible warmth and love that envelopes you, I was totally mesmerised. Kingitanga gave me a blessing after which i felt like a heavy burden had been lifted from me, i have never felt so at peace. I live in Australia and whenever i need to speak with Kingitanga i know that he is but a phone call away. I have just been to see Kingitanga again 2 weeks ago, it felt so good seeing him again, i feel so blessed to have him in my life and if there was ever anything i could do for him i would without hesitation. Kingitanga is truly one of a kind and he is there for all who need his help.

23/7/2013 06:46:23 am

I have had a couple of healings with Kingi and my whanau as well my grandmother is fairly good friends with him very spiritual wow thats amazing he is AMAZING

23/11/2013 05:00:37 pm

Is he still alive? Where does he live?

rewa kereopa
24/11/2013 04:03:58 pm

hes is very much so and will be at papaorotu 14th December in whatawhata

30/3/2015 09:42:15 pm

Is he still well today?Where is he now?

9/5/2016 03:51:36 am

Wonderful spiritual healer whom is down to earth humble with a great sense of humour :) I feel truely blessed to have met someone as him whom is always willing to help heal whenever he is needed. God bless him always and keep him safe XoX

21/11/2016 02:21:35 pm

hi does anyone have a contact for Kingitanga please

12/7/2017 04:33:37 am

Whilst traveling around New Zealand for my first ever visit from The UK..on a Rugby tour I met Kingitanga in Wellington Airport whilst waiting for a plane...we were the only ones in the departure lounge. Kingitangi (King of Kings) told me he was returning from the island at the bottom of the South Island where he had banished an 800 year old spirit of his ancestors who had caused repeated fires that burnt the house of a German Gentleman...Kingitangi had been brought in to get rid of the Spirit, and the problem was now solved..After many more conversations he gave me his card.
His email address is [email protected] Best regards Tim

Ketia Rangimarie
16/1/2018 04:42:45 pm

A wonderful, caring, loving person who is available to all in need.

9/3/2018 07:20:58 pm

Kingitanga Spiritual Lore. Lives in Whangarei. Phone Numbers 09 4383421. Cell phone 027 635 3583.


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