My first full day at my first farm-stay from the website has been going really well. My host is Robyn, who runs Indigo Bush Studios and also sells various pieces of artwork from clothes to pottery in a shop here in Coromandel Town.
I've been kept busy with cutting back banana trees, flax plants, shifting compost and chopping wood, it's great to be working outside! I'm now researching into how to make a clay oven! Food has been simple but lovely, just the way I like it. Robyn has invited me to her neighbours tonight for some drinks and merriment, I'm really looking forward to it.
I got ID'd in the local supermarket (or just market really), which hasn't happened for a while. I didn't have any ID on me, but I managed to blag it by dropping Robyn's name and that I was helping her for a week. What made it stranger is that I haven't shaved for nearly two weeks and have decent beard growth!
The weather here is still very much like a really good spring in England with a touch more rain. Robyn says is cold but it's actually quite a pleasant temperature I think. There seems to be a Coromandel coastal walk nearby, I've seen trail signs for it, maybe if I get a long afternoon off I can see how far I can go on it.
For now, all is very well and good, I'm really enjoying myself and the whole experience!

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