Coromandel is a wonderful sub-tropical region in the north of New Zealand. The temperature never drops below about 10C and the Sun is warm enough during the day to make it very reminiscent of England in late Spring (except with more rain). The weather can change within a few minutes from clear skies and Sun to grey clouds of doom and heavy showers, but it will just as easily change back!
I've been building the clay pizza oven for Robyn (pictures of progress will follow as it develops) and it's been progressing really well so far. Robyn is a queen of reusing bits and pieces and letting nothing go to waste!
I had a day off yesterday and went hiking up into the hills, took lots of pictures which probably don't look as good as they did when I took them!
There's a railway here that one guy built single handed! His name is Barry and he started building it just so he could bring clay from up the hill down to his workshop so he could make pottery and such. After a while he couldn't stop laying track and decided to open the mini railway to the public so he could make some money from that too. 26 years after he started, and 3km of track later, he has the Driving Creek Railway and it really gives some stunning views of Coromandel. He's now in his 70's and still does it all single handed (although he pays a few others to do the public tours and sell the pottery). It's a great inspiration for how long you can keep doing the things that you love!
I've only a few days left with Robyn, then I'm off to Annette and Tim's.
12/7/2011 06:00:20 am

Hi dave nice to see you are enjoying yourself still waiting at the bar to get served !! Sorry I've not been to good with blog but now I'm ok it will try to keep updated with it hope you are enjoying you're freedom wish you well keep in touch ps nice photos gordon

David Saxton
19/7/2011 02:54:13 pm

Hi Gordon, great to hear from you! I'm not surprised you're still waiting, they're all lazy slackers, I held that place together! Haha only joking. How is everyone there? Give my best to Arnie and Mandy.
It's good to know you're following my progress, I hope it stays interesting!


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