Auckland is a fantastic city! It really has a great relaxed feel to it. There are lots of people all hustling and bustling  about, people from all over the world, it's very multi-cultural. It works as a comforting city so well that even though so many people there don't call Auckland their home, it feels like home nonetheless. 
 I'm very impressed and pleased at the high number of Asian food outlets, whether it's ready to eat sushi or a food market to buy things for home cooking. I can hardly go down a street here without seeing some type of food I'd love to sit down and enjoy. Among the wide streets and crammed shops are tiny nooks and crannies with shops you always wished were in your home town. I went to Devenport to climb their mini volcano, and soon I shall climb Rangitoto! I can safely say Auckland has found a place in my heart already.

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